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Devices and Controllers#


from leads import *

Device is the base class of every device, from sensors to motors. Controller is a special type of device that can contain child devices. By introducing controllers, we have a device tree. The tree always starts from a controller node known as the main controller.

Register a Controller#

from leads import controller, MAIN_CONTROLLER
from leads_emulation import RandomController

class MainController(RandomController):

The example above registers RandomController as the main controller. MAIN_CONTROLLER is the tag of the controller. In the device tree, every device have a tag. You can use these predefined tags or custom strings.


All tags should be composed of lowercase letters and underscores only. It is not fatal, but it will make your project more disciplined.

Pass Arguments to the Controller#

To pass arguments to the device constructor, just include them in the decorator.

from leads import controller, MAIN_CONTROLLER
from leads_emulation import RandomController

@controller(MAIN_CONTROLLER, args=(10, 100), kwargs={"skid_possibility": 0.5})
class MainController(RandomController()):

Register a Device#

As the top node of the device tree is always a controller, all devices must have a parent.

from leads import device, controller, MAIN_CONTROLLER, ODOMETER, Odometer
from leads_emulation import RandomController

class MainController(RandomController()):

class ChildDevice(Odometer):

Register a Child Controller#

Controllers can be child devices of other controllers as well.

from leads import controller, MAIN_CONTROLLER
from leads_emulation import RandomController, SinController

@controller(MAIN_CONTROLLER, args=(10, 100), kwargs={"skid_possibility": 0.5})
class MainController(RandomController()):

@controller("secondary_controller", MAIN_CONTROLLER)
class SecondaryController(SinController):